
Tuesday, June 4, 2019

What does the bible say about "mental illness?"

I got this question in my inbox the other day: "What does the bible say about mental illness?"

Answer: Hello and thank you for asking such a great question.  Just to be clear, here's how Merriam-Webster defines mental illness as:
"any of a broad range of medical conditions (such as major depression, schizophrenia, obsessive compulsive disorder, or panic disorder) that are marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, or emotions to impair normal psychological functioning and cause marked distress or disability and that are typically associated with a disruption in normal thinking, feeling, mood, behavior, interpersonal interactions, or daily functioning"
There are many examples in the scripture where people experience depression (King David in Psalms 32, 38, and 51), schizophrenia  (King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4), obsessive compulsive disorder (Peter in Galatians 2), or panic disorder as seen in Job (Job 3:26), Elijah (1 Kings 19:4), and Jonah (Jonah 4:3). Some of these men contemplated thoughts of suicide. Whatever the case may be, there was sin attached to their mental condition. When we choose sin, the soul, body, and spirit feel the effect. The entire human race was fractured the moment sin entered into the human race. 
So what does the bible say about those who are experiencing the effects of sin - especially those who are extremely sad and experiencing thoughts of despair?  Scripture assures us that God is close to the brokenhearted (Psalms 34:18; 145:18). If God is sovereign, there is much rejoicing to be done knowing that he causes all things to work together for the "good" for those who love him and are called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).  Since God is transcendent, those in despair can rest assured that He is not limited to what we are capable of understanding.
When I experienced bouts of depression in my own life, I was surrounded by solid believers who loved me, listened to my pain, and loved me through all of my poor life decisions. That was in essence, God, loving me through his Church. God loves people through people. He expresses his grace, mercy, and truth through those who will allow themselves to be living conduits. 
The scriptures have much to say about the illness of the mind, body, and spirit. The Gospel is the solution. We believe that God also gifted doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, and therapists to help others experience healing.  There is much honor in taking medication that a bonafide doctor prescribed.  The illustration that comes to my mind is that of a spare tire. If I had a flat tire, there is no shame in putting on a spare tire to get me to a specialist.  There is a problem if I use my spare tire longer than it was intended to be used. The same is with medicine. God did not intend for us to be on meds long term. We were created for freedom (Galatians 5:1) and for human flourishing. To be fruitful and multiply his image here on earth as it is in heaven.
I hope this helps... 

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