
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Starting Point (part 3) - Sea of Broken Glass

Our small group is on part 3 of starting point, entitled, "Sea of Glass," which refers to the mess that we (humans) are in.  It's as if we pulled an entire china cabinet of wine glasses and bowls down and are surrounded by broken pieces of glass.  We're stuck in the middle of that mess with no way out.  Until, God comes in and carries us out of that mess.

Section one:
1. Why do you believe what you believe? consider people, circumstances, places, etc.
 I Believe that I believe what I believe because God opened my eyes to see it.  I picture myself as a dead man on the floor and God came and gave me life.  It was 100% him and 0% me.  If God's plan of salvation is like a chain, every link is HIM and NO link is mine - otherwise that chain would break.  I believe I am set free to live life how God intended through the SAVER, Jesus Christ.

2. Have your personal experiences ever caused you to doubt or change your beliefs?
Yes.  A couple of years ago I had a complete change of mind regarding what it meant to be "free in Christ."  Before, I believed I could be free and keep secrets from my wife and friends - and I'm not talking about acquaintances; I'm referring to Godly men and women God had clearly placed in my life to "do life with."  I kept secrets from all the above.  But, God put a plumber in my life.  A man with no Bible or seminary degree, which was contrary to my beliefs; namely, that God could teach me something through someone who had not been through seminary.  But God put a bullet in that silly idea when my plumber friend, Dan, asked a simple question: why did Jesus die on the cross?  I quickly replied with theological 50-cent words - Justification, Sanctification, and Glorification.  He wanted to propitiate sin through Christ the savior.  He basically died for me, I said with confidence.  We turned to the end of one of the gospels where Jesus was in the garden in Gethsemane and prayed for "this cup" to pass.  He was basically asking God for another way out.  But then he submitted his desire to God's.  "No my will but yours be done" was Jesus mission in every endeavor.  BAM!  The walls started to fall down all around my hardened heart.  Woah!  I couldn't believe I had missed that all these years - that Jesus didn't go to the cross for me, per se; he went to the cross out of obedience to the Father!

3. Why is sin so problematic for God?
Sin is problematic for God because he is holy and perfect.  His perfection demands that sin be dealt with.  And the one man's death would not cover the sins of the world, so he sent his son - fully God, fully man to die and cover the sins of the world.  Sin is problematic for God because he is light and in him is no darkness at all.  If we are in sin, we are not in fellowship with God.  This is a problem.

Section two:
1. Do you think it was hard for Abraham to believe God's promises? Why or why not?
 I don't think it was hard for Abraham to believe God's promises because he had watched God move in many ways and had conversations with him.  On the other hand, I know that Abraham is made of the same "stuff" that I am made of.  He's just as man and just as flawed with unbelief as I am.  So, on the other hand, I Believe it was just as hard for Abraham to believe as it is for me on any given day.  And in that sense, it doesn't matter how many miracles a person witnesses because the flesh pulls us the other direction and whispers life's of doubt in our minds.

2. What do you think of God choosing someone as imperfect as Abraham?
 I think it's amazing that God is open to using flawed people like Abraham and me.  Choosing "unworthy" people who can't speak in public or have sin in their life enables God to demonstrate to the world that He is the one doing the works and that He alone gets the credit or glory.

3. If you could hear one promise from God, what would you want it to be?
I would love to hear over and over and over and over that I am a new creation in Christ created to walk in freedom from shame, guilt and all the secrets that I keep.

Section three:
1. How do you know when someone really believes something?
 I don't because I can't see inside someone's heart/mind/soul.  On the other hand, I will say that I am attracted to people who are in touch with their brokenness and constant need for the Savior.  If a man tells me his marriage is "perfect" and problem free, I just don't trust him.  All the men in my life that I do life with tell me the constant struggles with pride, bitterness, frustration and everything that acquaintences never reveal, especially on a Sunday morning. I believe those men "really believe" the Gospel.  They have proven over time they are committed to helping carry my burdens and point me back to the Savior.  So, I guess I do believe I can know when someone really believes in something; they prove it by their works.

2. What is the significance of Abraham being declared righteous?
The significance is that he is a flawed man who was declared righteous by faith - not because of anything he "did" because faith is not a work.

3. What do you believe it takes for God to accept someone?
If this is referring to "acceptance into the family of believers" it is a relationship with Christ.  As stated earlier, sin is a problem, and no one who is still in their sin will be in the family of God. On the other hand, those who are in Christ, have the righteousness of Christ and are therefore, perfect and holy and righteous in God's sight; God fully accepts those who are in Christ.

What do you think?

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