
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Starting Point (Part 1)

This Sunday my pastor began the new year with a series called, "Starting Point" - written by Andy Stanley and the Starting Point Team (NorthPointministries.org).  I'm also part of a mid Staring Point men's group.  The study is meant to create a conversational environment where faith can be explored through community.

This study is designed for SEEKERS, STARTERS, and RETURNERS.  Those who are curious about God, Jesus, the Bible, or Christianity; those who have just begun a relationship with Jesus Christ; or those who have some churcy experience, but have been away for a while.

Despite, being a pastor and serving "full-time" in ministry for the past 8 years, I feel like a "STARTER" who began a relationship with Christ a few years ago.  I don't have (nor do I believe in) a spiritual birthdate; it's been a journey where God has wooed me to himself.  He's used "normal" people to teach me and challenge me.  In the end, the academic knowledge and positions in the Church were meaningless without a relationship.  

Some takeaways from the sermon:
The starting point for the Christian faith is not "the Bible says"
The starting point for the Christian faith is not just "Beleive"
The starting point for the Christian faith is a question; the foundation; namely, "Who is Jesus?"

And this is news to me because I have always been taught that "it" always begins with the Bible.  The problem is, the Bible doesn't do that.  Paul often starts with creation.  Paul starts with the God who has revealed himself.  He mentions the condition of man's heart; that is, brokenness and a desire for answers.  Jesus is always the answer. The flow of the Bible is CREATION - THE FALL - REDEMPTION - RESTORATION.  That is the gospel in a nutshell.  We are messed up and we need Jesus.

Section one Questions for Reflection
1) What did your faith look like growing up?
My mom led me to the Lord when I was a child.  I can remember this huge paper Bible designed for Children's Sunday school. I was sitting on her bed and it was just mommy and me.  The passage was John 3:16 and she had me insert my name.  "For God so loved RYAN that he gave his one and only son that if RYAN believes in him RYAN would have everlasting life."  Nearly 30 years later, I can remember that moment.

2) Would you say you are currently at a starting point, turning, returning, or other point? Why?
I feel like I was at a "starting point" a few years ago.  Because it wasn't until a few years ago where I believed that the gospel.  Then, I was set free and became completely secret free with my wife, friends and family.  I had hidden a lot about my past and present struggles.  Now I am free to be a broken person who needs Jesus every moment of every day.

Section two Questions for Reflection
1) What do you associate with the Bible?
I associate the Bible with the story of God going to the ends of the earth to restore us to the image of Christ.  The Bible is the story of CREATION, the FALL, REDEMPTION and RESTORATION of man.

2) How has your view of God changed during different seasons of your life?
I no longer put God in a box.  He's not bound by the limits of my theology, but rather he is free to speak truth to me, even through my plumber friend, Dan.  Age is no factor either. I can now receive truth from someone younger than me because the Gospel has taught me all I need is a person who speaks truth, not a seasoned vet in specific areas of life.

Section three Questions for Reflection:
1) What do you hope to get out of your Starting Point experience?
I hope to grow together with the men who commit to the group.  I hope to speak truth to them and to receive truth from them as they get it from God.  I plan to go "deep" with whoever wants to go deep.  I plan to be marked for life from this interaction with solid men.

2) What one question do you hope to have answered by the end of our eight weeks together?
What does God have for me if/when I leave my current job?

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