
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Gospel Delivers from Racism

There were several popular authors/speakers/pastors I never really paid attention to becuase of theological differences.  Pastor John Piper was one of them.  Then, God saved me from the bondage of my pride and I was able to see beyond differences in theology and see God's truth at work in my fellow Brothers/Sisters lives (*I know... people have to extend grace to me for my pride).  All those years getting caught up in debating theology blocked my ability to see my own need for a Savior.  I was so preoccupied writing papers and defending my dogmatism I became blind to my perpetual anger, rage, lust and fear that plagued me for so many years.

This is the gospel.  That despite my self-deception and pride, Christ used men in my life to speak truth to me and in the end I was set free.  Had I held on to my pride, I would have missed amazing testimonies like this.  It's really not Pastor John's story; it's God's story of how he worked in a man's heart and saved  him.

The Gospel has the power to deliver people from any type of bondage.  All glory be to Christ!

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