
Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Gospel Delivers from addictions...

The Gospel has the power to deliever from heavy addictions, shameful secrets and workaholism. 
For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek (Romans 1:16, NASB).
Today, Pastor Sean shared an excellent sermon on being a witness.  The text was John 5:30-47 and the validity of Jesus witness.  What I liked about how the message concluded was how it tied into the witness that we/Believers out to bear. 

This is the gospel - that we were created.  we realized our falleness.  Jesus redeemed us and the same power that resurrected Christ from the dead is at work in us to mold us and shape us to refelct Christ.  We may have major mistakes, but that's what makes the Gospel so beautiful. 

That is the life Jesus invites us into; namely, that we tell God's story with our lives.  That we reject the fear of others and what others might think of us and our story.  That we reject the notion that we are not good enough.

Becuase the truth is Jesus has conquered all of that!  So, we need not fear what others think and we need not find our identiy in not being good enought.  In fact, we ought to put that right out front - we ARE not good enough.  We are all sinful people in need of forgiveness. And Jesus is in the business of forgiving sinners and restoring them in their brokeness. Amen to that.

Listen to Pastor Sean's sermon HERE.

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