
Saturday, March 7, 2015

"I'm Always Angry. What Can I Do?" - Believer

This post is a direct response to many people's requests for Gospel truth in light of sinful anger:

Here's a quick beta test syllogism to see if you are in fellowship with God:
Premise 1) When I am "in fellowship" I do not react in sinful anger...to ANYTHING.
Premise 2) I reacted in sinful anger to spilled milk.
Premise 3) Therefore, I am not "in fellowship."

At this point, I am getting in the habit of going directly to God in prayer and thanksgiving.  Thank you Lord that you have graciously revealed to me that I need you.  I chose to react in sinful anger and I confess this. Thank you for your forgiveness.

Here's another way this thought process might occur:
1) Oh boy! I just totally reacted in sinful anger to something NOT even sinful (i.e. spilled milk).
2) I must be out of fellowship, not because of what just happened, but because of some other evil root/sin in my life that bore fruit in a sinful reaction to something NOT even sinful.
3) Lord, search my heart.  Reveal to me, the sin(s) that are manifesting themselves in sinful anger.
4) Yes, Lord, I'll call my Brothers in Christ right now for open, honest dialogue as we discuss the Gospel Jesus Christ and the power that is has to deliver me from this struggle.


5) Amen.  I was able to figure out through the Gospel spoken by my Brothers in Christ, my sin.  I confessed it to God in the presence of my Brothers and sin has lost it's power over me in that area of my life.
6) Thank you Lord for your Body that has once again fulfilled its purpose.

Here's the thoughts the FLESH, the WORLD and the DEVIL (i.e. THE ENEMY) feeds us:
1) I'm super irritated right now at ______.  He WRONGED ME!
2) I need to show him his error.
3) I'm in the right here.  I have rights and i'm going after justice.
4) etc, etc, etc, DEFEND, DEFEND, DEFEND...

The World has its remedies for Anger.  This is often in some form of "Anger Management."  But honestly, I don't want to manage these irrational feelings - I want this cut off at the root and killed.  I want nothing to do with it, let alone learn to just juggle it.

The Gospel always offers solutions that the World misses.  Consider these three passages that touch on confession, community in light of our struggles.

1 John 1:9
James 5:16
Ephesians 6:12

*Thats all I have for now.  What are your thoughts?  

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