
Saturday, February 21, 2015

What is expository reading of scripture?

The Word of God is alive and Powerful, sharper than any double-edged sword... so it should not be read like an ordinary book.

Every tuesday night about 30 of us gather in my living room and we read a Scripture several times in various versions (NIV, NASB, NKJV even Old School KJV).  We want to develop the art of expository reading.

"Expository reading is essentially reading the meaning of the words instead of the sound of the words. This calls for constant attention on the part of the reader to the meaning of words. He does not just sound them and expect the hearer to draw out the meaning. He visualizes the meaning of all significant words. As a result, different words take on different tones as the reader focuses on their meaning. Contrasting ideas in a text are expressed with the thought in mind—light and darkness, godly and wicked, weeping and rejoicing. And the audience can hear the difference. A poor reading may indicate that the reader is bored with the text and thinks it of little importance. The audience will discern that interpretation even if they do not consciously think about it. This is why much public reading of Scripture does little to enhance the congregation’s appreciation of the Bible and may even cause them to see the Bible in a more negative light...The purest form of interpretation of Scripture is the effective reading of it."

Monotone no more.

For the full article on Expository Reading --> CLICK HERE

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