
Monday, November 11, 2013

Why would God allow a Typhoon to hit the Philippines?

On Friday, November 8th 2013 at about 4:30am, super Typhoon Haiyan hit the Philippines taking lives and leveling entire cities.

Naturally, many are asking, "How could an all powerful and all loving God allow this to happen?"

Note: I have never seen an answer that takes away the pain and devastation associated with natural disaster nor will I attempt to offer such an answer.

First off, this question assumes that there is a God so a Theistic perspective would be apropos.

THE ANSWER: God created the heavens and the earth, which is governed by fundamental laws of nature, which are necessary to sustain life on this planet.  Sometimes, these laws of nature create devastating situations that in worst case scenarios take lives of innocent people.  Simply put, sometimes these things happen and there is no purpose other than these natural disasters must occur as earths conditions are constantly adjusting to sustain life on earth.

Other planets do not have these laws, which is why they do not have life or the natural beauty that humans experience.  It is important to note that the natural world is subject to natural laws and disasters to include the Typhoon, which is from Chinese taifung, meaning great wind.

Some might argue that if God was all-powerful and all-loving he would create an optimal world with no death or suffering.  But this assumes that God has not already created an optimal environment for living or that the ultimate purpose of life here is here on earth.  This is simply not true.  Science proves that the world is already at optimal for maintaining habitable conditions.  The Earth's spin axis is tilted 23.5° with respect to the ecliptic, giving moderate seasons and preventing temperature extremes anywhere on the planet.  If this tilt is slightly shifted life would not be sustainable on earth.  

Many of used this "problem of natural evil" as a proof that God does not exist.  But this neither disproves God's existence or explains natural disasters.

Scientific observation consistently reveals the complexities and intricate design in creation.  From the DNA in our system to the plate tectonics creating earthquakes and tsunamis, there is purpose in the laws of nature for creating and sustaining life on earth.  

The teleological argument is also known as the argument from design or from intelligent design.  Basically, "the watch has a watchmaker" argument.  It says that for all creation there must be a creator just as a watch was created with a purpose in mind from the creator.  It was not simply created by chance and for no purpose.  To believe that the watch evolved from nothing and for no purpose would be ridiculous.  

So, what is that purpose?  What is the purpose of life here on earth.  The answer is not so that we can live a "good" life on earth then die.  And I don't think the world's most popular answer, "to be happy" is accurate either. Life here on earth is NOT about happiness that leads to death.

The purpose of THIS life is to have a restored relationship with our creator; namely, God.  Man's relationship with God has been broken, but the bridge has been gapped by his Son Jesus Christ.  We are all born physically alive but spiritually dead.  God provides a way where we can be spiritually alive.

For God so loved the World that he gave his one and only son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but would have eternal life.

God does not want people to just live.  He wants them to have eternal life.  And He does not want his children to have just eternal life, but to live life abundantly while here on earth.  He wants us to enjoy life and the freedom of life in Christ.  The Spirit filled life of stability in the midst of trials and tribulations that life brings, to include natural disasters.  He wants our marriages to thrive because it brings Him glory. He wants us to raise our children to be godly.  He wants us to honor our employers and work as unto the Lord.

There are many reasons why we are here on earth in addition to having a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ and with other people.  We are called to serve one another.  

My hearts desire is to the philippines for a humanitarian assistance and disaster relief mission.  Especially because I have family and friends there!  But since I cannot physically be there, I will support missionaries and workers who can go in my place.  Support is both spiritual and financial.  

All in all, this devastating natural disaster does not disprove God's existence, but rather, shows how short our time is on earth.  You never know when you are going to be taken out of this world.  Are you ready?  

Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved.  You will be ready for death when it comes. For Believers still here, seek out those opportunities to serve others and role model God's unconditional love.

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