
Friday, January 9, 2015

Is Jon Jones a Christian?

Jon Jones is one of my all-time favorite UFC fighters for several reasons (a wrestler, an outspoken Christian, loves Philippians 4:13, etc... just like me).  The recent publicity of his testing positive for benzoylecgonine/cocaine just added one more thing to my list of reasons why I like him; Namely, he has some areas for growth...just like me, and if we/believers are going to be honest, us too!
It seems like most of the Christians who criticize can learn a lesson on responding graciously from Dana White who has responded with mercy and forgiveness and hope.  Amazing and refreshing to see.
To all the critics of Jon Jones.  To those who call his Christianity into question because of his struggle/s.  To those who say, "He calls himself a Christian, but doesn't act like one."  To those who say, "He's not a Child of God, because a Child of God wouldn't do that..."
SURELY, you are not saying your actions are consisent with your faith.
SURELY, you're not saying you are not hypocritical.
SURELY, you're not saying you don't have some deep rooted secret that you would "die" if anybody found out.
SURELY, you're not casting judment on someone that you are guilty of yourself.
Here are two possible options for the people who struggle with Sin:
1) They are an unbeliever and without the Spirit (1 Cor. 2:14).
2) They are a Believer, but not acting like one (Carnal believer)(1 Cor. 3).
In the end, I do not and cannot make the call on who is or is not a Believer in Christ.  Since Jones calls himself a Christian, I just take him at his word then approach him like a follower of Christ.  Could I be fooled, yes, but that's not my place to play God.  I will stay in my lane and love my Brother in Christ and pray for and encourage him during this time.  And I would be super honored if he would do the same for me and my many, many sins.
Is it safe to say that only the Lord knows which one is true for someone other than yourself?  THERE IS NO TEST because there is always the reality that Believers in Christ have free will to choose wrong.  Let's try this out on ourselves. 
Think about the deepest darkest secret that you have.  A sin that binds you and you have no idea why you keep going back to this habitual irrational behavior.  Just because your wife/family/friends do not know about your struggle doesn't mean you're any better off than the guy who's sins are exposed. 
The only difference with Jon Jones and most of us is... his mistake/s have been exposed and we may be living under the false image that still binds us so strongly becuase we HAVENT been exposed.  If you were exposed, you'd be in the spotlight, just like others who are there.
Here's the point Believers: Why are we so afraid to be known - to be fully known that is?  Why are we so comfortable with confessing our sins to God (if you do that), yet go right into FEAR/GUILT/SHAME when it comes to confessing to people who are supposed to be our Brothers and Sisters in Christ.  Isn't that what the body is for?
If the community in which God has you in knows 99% about you, THEY DON'T KNOW YOU. 
My challege to my "Free-Grace" brothers who are not walking in Grace.  Fall on the grace of God and let the Church know you.  When we guard that 1% of our past/present struggles/sin then we cut off the possibility to receive God's grace, mercy and love through the Body of which we are a part of.
My challenge to the "Lordship" crowd who seems to have a better grasp on commnity, transparency and vulnerability within the Church.  You must account for the fact that all Believers (including yourself) have enough free will to choose sin.  For a minute. For a day.  For a month. For a year.  There is no CAP on how much Sin we can choose.  If that's true, one can turn away today and NEVER return and die a prodigal. 
All in all, my challenge for all believers is to resit the temptation to point the finger when another Brother is caught in sin and take an introspective approach; that is, take a look within at our own issues.  Be fully known - confess (i.e. HOMO [same]+ LOGEO [say]) then watch God work miracles in your life as the healing begins.  Resist the temptation to be your own savior.  Fall on the Grace of God and be free from the bondage of upholding a false image of ourselves.