
Friday, July 24, 2020

The Castle Illustration

The Castle Illustration: 

Imagine that this castle represents your soul. There is a battle going on around it and the enemy wants to take this castle over. One little enemy called “Anger” gets in and next thing you know you’re having angry thoughts. You shoot an arrow at it and it never bothers you...until it does. And then you kill it again, but this time with struggle. Just as you kill that one another one pops up, its name is guilt, but he brought a friend named shame. And you shake one off, punch the other in the face and kick them out of the castle. 

Or maybe you’re playing in the neighborhood and you have a temptation to gossip about someone. To talk about someone behind their back. To make fun of someone because of the way they walk, talk, or dress. Those are all thoughts of the enemy. 

Here’s a test: If you think it would sound silly coming out of Jesus’ mouth, then it’s probably not from God.

Question: What are some of the voices of the enemy that entered into your mind?

NOTE: The issue is not that these enemies are attacking you, but rather that they have ACCESS to the castle in the first place. The problem is not that they are in the castle, the greater problem is HOW they got in the castle; somebody built them a bridge and THAT’S how they got in.

I believe there are seven bridges that you and I build that allows the enemy in. 

Bridge #1: Deception (believing a lie)

Bridge #2: Rebellion (believing the rules don’t apply to you)

Bridge #3: The Love of Money (worshipping the created rather than the creator)

Bridge #4: The Love of Control (worshipping control of others/situations)

Bridge #5: The Love of Power (worshipping being right/being important/being #1)

Bridge #6: The Love of Comfort (believing you need to defend/protect yourself)

Bridge #7: The Love of Approval (worshipping the opinions of others over God’s opinion)

Question: How do you get rid of a bridge? 

Answer: You blow it up! 

Confession blows this bridge up!

Here are two passages about confession:

8 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. 1 John 1:8-10 ESV.

16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. James 5:16 ESV.

Question: What happens if you blow up 6 of the bridges? How many enemies will get in your castle?

Answer: The same amount.

We can’t afford to have any bridges in our lives.  None. 

Another twist: Who is the only one who can build a bridge for the enemy?  YOU. and ME!

The enemy sits on the shore here yelling lies. He can’t even get on the island unless I make a way for him. Unless I give him a foothold by…

...believing a lie that I should be bitter and unforgiving

...believing a lie that I should get revenge instead of forgiving

...believing a lie that I should make fun of someone

...believing a lie that I should lie to my parents

...believing a lie that I should shame my child


Parents, here’s what spiritual warfare looks like with a family that does battle together.

  1. Event: Kid spills milk.

  2. Reaction: I shame my child and berate them until they cry.

  3. Underlying belief (Idol): My kid devised a plan to waste milk and provoke me.

  1. Confession: “Holy smokes. I’m a mean dad. I totally shamed my kid for no good reason and made her cry. Wow. I did that. I chose to worship POWER, and CONTROL.

  2. Thanksgiving: ...whew. Thank you Lord for your forgiveness.

  3. Repentance:  Lord, I choose to repent from my sin of shaming my child at the expense of Grace. I repent of Making something matter more that doesn’t matter most. I repent of my Idolatry in worshipping POWER and CONTROL.

In basketball, it’s called the “REBOUND” Principle

  1. You take a shot, but you miss the mark

  2. Admit you missed the mark (smile knowing the game isn’t over)

  3. Get back in the game and be a team player (it’s not about you!)

The worst thing you can do in a game of basketball is to stop playing. Friends, when we wallow in guilt, we are being played by the enemy. When we confess, thank God and stay in the game we’re doing what God wants us to do. God wants us to live like we’re saved!

Skateboarders get perseverance more than anyone else. They try, they fall, they dust themselves off, make a few calculations/adjustments, and get back in the game. It’s crazy to watch them. 

Our mission as parents is a lifelong HEART RESCUE mission! - Paul David Tripp

Our daily objective is to point our children to the Savior versus their sins. And perhaps the best way we can point our kids to the savior is role model to them what it looks like to need the Savior. Role model confession, thanksgiving, and repentance. Own your sin in front of you kids. They’ll trust you more.

I don’t know how many adults have sat on my couch looking to make sense of 30yr old wounds. People confess to me all the time how their parents “never said sorry or admitted they were wrong.” Those are deep wounds.

The truth is, parents, that parenting is a lifelong cycle of CONFESSION, THANKSGIVING, REPENTANCE, and growth as a family. 

Parents, some experts say, we have 13 years to build a bridge into the life of your child and after that it gets difficult. Here’s another way to say it: You have 676 WEEKENDS to build a bridge into the life of your child before they hit puberty.  I guess things change after that.  Dunno. Never been there.

  • If you’re a parent of small children; confess your idols of control and power, thank God for his forgiveness, and repent…

  • If you’re a parent of teenagers; confess your idols of control and power, thank God for his forgiveness, and repent…

  • If you’re a parent of young adults; confess your idols of control and power, thank God for his forgiveness, and repent…

  • If you’re a parent of grown-ups; ask your kids, “how was I as a parent?”  Then, confess your idols, thank God for his forgiveness, and repent.


Church. We are to do THIS battle as a family. Not just as a family. But as the body of Christ. 

So I’m calling ya to repent as dads, moms, parents. Then I’m asking us to repent as a church from our various forms of idolatry. To repent from the things that we’ve loved more than God.

To repent from making things that don’t matter MOST matter more.

If you are the leader of your house I want you to lay hands on your family. 

Lord, I confess. I’ve sinned by building a bridge of _______________ in my life. 

Thank you for your forgiveness. 

I now repent of building that bridge and giving the enemy access to my heart. 

Thank you for enabling me to keep this area of idolatry exposed. 

Thank you for your holy spirit that empowers me to live like Jesus. Amen.

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