
Saturday, February 15, 2020

A Question About Non-Christian Music for Worship...

I recently got a question in my inbox: 
Hi there, my name is Daniel and I have a question that has been on my mind for some time regarding whether or not it is appropriate to personally worship the Lord with a certain song that I found on youtube. So long story short, I always listen to Christian music and I discovered a song called "because" written by a woman named Shawna Belt Edwards, which I will post a link to below. There is nothing inherently unbiblical about the lyrics of the song, in fact the words and melody of the song are beautiful and worship inducing. But here is the problem. Shawna Belt Edwards is a Mormon and the song is therefore used by Mormons. I am fully aware that Mormonism is NOT Christianity (i'm Baptist btw) and that it is not appropriate to sing Mormon songs in a valid Christian Church because the Mormon "Church" is heretical. However, my question is not about whether I can bring this song to my Church (just to be clear), but rather if it's inapropriate to worship to this specific song, even if it's a Mormon song and even if the song itself is not unbiblical at all. I wish that this song was written by an actual Christian so that I could worship to it without feeling guilty lol. Thank you and God bless! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsCnuFCEg

My response: 
Hi Daniel.  Thanks for asking such a great question. I think you will get many answers from the Christian community. So I will be straight with you. I heard nothing heretical in those lyrics. If you didn't tell me it was a Mormon author, I would think it was written by Chris Tomlin or any other contemporary Christian artist. 

But because you told me she was a Mormon, I quickly noticed the Mormon art and the people. My heart started to break for them because they believe they will be gods one day. They believe Jesus and the Devil are brothers. They believe so many things that are rooted in deception.  But the song itself is amazing and causes me to worship God.

Have you heard any songs by Matt Mayer? Amazing God glorifying songs. He's a staunch Roman Catholic. How about Grammy award winner and 9x Dove nomination Christian artist, Kari Jobe? I break down when I hear "forever." She's an Oral Roberts grad and a pastor. Ever listen to "Yesterday, today, and forever" by Vicky Beeching? She's an outspoken lesbian.

The point is, we (the Christian church) listen to so many songs/artist who DO NOT believe like we believe. If we don't look into the background, we continue worshipping God through their music. Why do things have to change when we find out someone is a Mormon, Catholic, Charismatic, or Lesbian?  Does that change how the song stirred your affections for the Lord? It shouldn't!  

Didn't God speak to Moses through a burning bush? Did't God speak to Balaam through a Donkey?  Hey, God has spoken to thousands of people through me!  Some unqualified person who barely graduated high school and believed he was better than most Christians because he graduated from seminary. 

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