
Sunday, January 3, 2016

Hillary Clinton Heckeled by a Modern Day Pharisee

A woman interrupted Hillary Clinton's speech today with comments about Bill Clintons sexual history. Reminds me of the Pharisees of John 8 who were so eager to point out a woman's sexual sin then Jesus shut them down by asking the person without sin to cast the first stone.

On the other hand, we have to give Katherine Prudhomme O'Brien grace because heckling is a mere symptom of root sins. A person who is passionate about other people's overt sins is just revealing her own deep struggles. The gospel reminds us that there is grace for all, because all are in desperate need of it.

I don't get excited about Bill Clinton's sins first and foremost because my sins are even worse in my opinion.  Bill Clinton is in need of Grace. Katherine Prudhomme O'Brien Is in need of Grace. I am definitely in need of Grace. Thank God Christ came down to die for all of us. Lord knew we would need it.

Every day I am reminded how much I need the Savior to come and save my from myself. I'll have a "good day" then all of a sudden go to Ikea and feel my flesh kick in. And I'm a "minister"???? Believers ought to extend grace to those whom God would extend grace...

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