
Friday, April 10, 2015

What I Look For in a Local Church

Most military families have to move every 2-3 years.  So, finding a good local church to attend and be committed to is an important skill they must develop early on.  This one is dedicated to any family who may be in search for a local church for whatever reason.

I can think of three major perspectives on what makes a "good Church."  Right or wrong, here they are:

1) The majority of humanity avoids gatherings in buildings called "Church" because of "hypocrisy."  They might say, "I don't go to Church because that place is filled with a bunch of hypocrites."

2) Others might say something like, "I need a place with good music, children's program, singles ministry, etc... a place where I can be leave happy, warm and fed..."

3) A small minority might say, "I want to go where the theology is Solid...a Doctrinal Church!"

I'd like to propose another option that takes all the views above into consideration.  I don't have a label for it other than, the been-there-done-that-heres-where-I-am view.

Here are some things to consider when looking for a "good local church":
1) A Church full of hypocrites....because that means you and I would fit in.  Surely we don't believe our practice is 100% consistent with our beliefs.  So, hypocrisy and brokeness in general is a good thing.  In fact, find a  Church full of sinful people so you won't feel left out.

2) A Church with active ministries means it's full of people who are using their God-given talents for Kingdom building.  When the Church is passive, these ministries don't develop.  So, yes, a Church with good para-ministries is definitely something to look for.  But in the end, I say ask not what the Church can do for you, but ask what can you do for that Church body.

3) Solid Theology is an non-negotiable one.  A lot of passion minus solid doctrine leads to heresy and heretical practices and eventually produces more heresy.   This is often found in Churches that are dedicated to Expository preaching (i.e. preaching through the Bible book by book, chapter by chapter, precept upon precept).  Some have Topical Expository, which is a hybrid of going through the Bible and camping out on certain topics as they naturally fall in the text.  And some Churches are driven by Topical (i.e. How to use your money wisely, Parenting, How to build a happy marriage, etc...).  There is value in each type.  I think a healthy Church incorporates all of the above with grace and flexibility to follow the Lords leading.  All in all, do the Pastors role model and demonstrate correctly handling the Word of Truth (2 Tim. 2:15)?

4) Is the Gospel the center of everything the Church does?  Everything the Church is about should be centered on the Good News that Jesus Christ lived a perfect life, died to pay for the sins of the World, spent 3 days in the grave and resurrected and is now seated at the right hand of God so that we could walk in freedom.  Does the Church incorporate this Good news into every single sermon and activity? If yes, that is a good Church.  If the good news is left out, they are missing the mark.  Christ came to bring the good news so it ought to be our mission because we are in Him and we are His body.

There is a healthy balance in local Church ministry.  For years I was of the mindset that DOCTRINE DOCTRINE DOCTRINE was the main and only thing to look for in a Church.  I found myself fond of Preachers and Teachers who were EXCELLENT at handling the Word - exegeting the text from the Greek and Hebrew, categorizing doctrines and incorporating the sitz im leben and isagogics... but they were crusty, mean spirited and in some cases (like I was) arrogant.  We (yes, I am guilty) PRIDED OURSELVES ON KNOWING THE BIBLE BETTER THAN YOU!

How evil and offensive was I?  very much so!  There is something off about being able to "correctly handle the Word" but have no genuine love for people or affection for Jesus.

Prof. Howard Hendricks said it best, "If it doesn't work in your home, DON'T EXPORT IT!"  That was me.  I was preaching, teaching and exegeting the Word, claiming to be "GRACE-ORIENTED" but struggled daily..."why doensn't this work in my own home!? Why do I have sinful anger turing into rage and what is this Spirit of Criticsm that taunts me every day to the point where I can say nothing loving or Christlike to my wife!?

To be salty, crusty and arrogant is such a discombobulating fog in the Church.  I never want to go back to that dark place...  There must be a balance between Grace and Truth spoken in Love. 

All in all, in a Gospel-centered Church whether their motives are false or genuine, the message about Christ is being preached either way, so I rejoice. And I will continue to rejoice.

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