
Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Spiritual Warfare For Kids (part 2)

Are Children protected from the attacks of the enemy? NO.  In fact, if I were the enemy, I would focus on the people with the least amount of training in warfare.  This series is based on "A Kids Guide to The Armor of God" by Tony Evans.

This week we focused on the fact that Enemy cannot plant thoughts in our minds unless we let him.  And we do this by build the enemy a bridge - a bridge made up of some sin we chose to have in our lives.

Got a secret?  You have a bridge.
Got pride?  You have a bridge.
Are you lying to yourself?  You have a bridge.
Is God 2nd place in your life?  You build a bridge.
And the list goes on.

We are not only called to get rid of these evil and offensive practices/mindsets, but we are called to be rooted in Christ.  We destroy the enemy's strongholds in our lives with Spiritual weapons and armor.  The Word of God when spoken is our offensive weapon against the enemy and his tactics.  Confession helps expose the lies and secrets that the enemy keeps us in bondage with.

And go bravely into battle knowing that He has won the War!

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12).

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