
Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"Lord I'm Ready Now" by Plumb

A few days ago we took another Brother through a "freedom session" of confessing, renouncing, uprooting and re-rooting in Christ.

My challenge to all my Believer friends: to be known in covenant community.  And to be known means 100% known.  Secrets are illusional - as if God doesn't know something that we keep "hidden" from our friends and family.  He already knows; Therefore, I make it known to the body of Christ in which he has placed me; that is, my community that is around me and strategically within my periphery.  I work with them.  I live near them.  I'm in communication with them.  All for the purpose of confession, repentance and accountability in Christ. God is at work in reconciling me to himself through these people.

The ongoing theme at the completion of all these sessions is: "Lord, I'm ready now!"  I'm ready to start living!

Interested?  Contact us.

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