
Thursday, March 5, 2015

Dr. Earl Radmacher 1931-2014

This morning at Coffee Bean my friend Ken Hornok told me sad news.  One of my favorite Bible teachers/truth communicators of all time died in december.  We believers call this "being promoted to glory" or "phase 3" (i.e. being glorified).  Most of the world knows this as "he's in a better place."  All in all, our brother is absent from the body and face to face with the Lord, and i'm sure he heard the words, "well done good and faithful servant."

My first exposure to Dr. Radmacher was on a cassette tape discussion recorded in 1989.  The debate hosted John MacArthur, Robert Saucy and Earl Radmacher on the topic of Lordship Salvation and Free-Grace.  MacArthur represented Lorship Salvation, Radmacher represented Free-Grace and Saucy was right in the "middle of the road" view (in my words).  I thought the debate was hands down in Radmacher's favor, but people can listen/read for themselves.  The discussion would at least give any believer food for thought or a springboard for discussion on salvation.

The last time I saw Dr. Radmacher in person was at the Free Grace Alliance Conference in Los Angeles (circa 2008-10).   He was one of the most charismatic people i've ever met.  He had a passion for the Gospel and never sugar coated his words.  He was a former Navy Chaplain.  He was a huge advocate of the Free Grace Gospel and always communicated his arguments in Grace and truth.

Chaps Radmacher,  See You On The Other Side (SYLB) Brother!

*Picture taken from westernseminary's website. 

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