
Friday, February 13, 2015

Book highlight: Raising Kingdom Kids by Tony Evans

My best friend started reading this book recently.  It's about raising kids who recognize and retain their identity as children of the King.  The purpose of this concept is to enable parents to launch healthy adults who have the capacity to stand strong in their faith.

Our prayer is that our kids continue to be saturated in Kingdom living; that is, seeking the Kingdom of God first in everything we do.  Whether it is eating a meal together, playing at the park or talking to our neighbors.  We must seek the Kingdom in all we do.

Food, hobbies and our neighbors do not exist for no reason.  Food, for the Believer, tastes good for a reason; namely, to point to the creator who infused the food with flavor.  The hobbies we find joy in point us to Him.

Everything changes when we see life with a Kingdom perspective.  Especially in parenting.

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