
Monday, November 25, 2013

The Doctrine of the Character of Grace

God set a regulation at the beginning of human history for how He would be worshipped (Exodus 20:24-25). Altars to Him were to be made of earth or uncut stones only. They were not to be improved or embellished in any way. There were to be no steps up to the altar. The Lord wanted to make it absolutely clear to any who would approach Him that nothing man does or makes on his own can be pleasing to Him and that man cannot meet Him halfway. Human altars are always beautiful. But God does not want human beauty; He wants humility. Grace is God's policy in dealing with the human race. In grace, God does all the work; there is no room for human works.
  1. Grace and works are as mutually exclusive as light and dark.
  2. Grace plus works is not grace.
  3. Works involve many things, such as motive, intent, purpose.
  4. The attitude behind works is always pride.
  5. The attitude that accepts grace is always humility.
  6. Grace plus humility equals power.   
Illustration: A  Chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.  In the Plan of God (POG) for the salvation of man, every chain link must be 100% the work of God - otherwise the plan will fail.

NOTE: Some people call the "Free Grace" perspective "Cheap Grace."  I would say it is worse than that!!  It's FREE.  At least with Cheap grace there is some payment.  When God saves people by Grace through their faith their salvation came at NO COST.  It is as if God paid the tab and left the tip. There is nothing for us to do. 

Concerning Belief:  I do NOT Believe that belief is a choice, but rather a reaction to facts.  We do not choose to believe the sky is blue.  We simply look up and belief based on what we know to be reality.  I cannot change what I believe.  So I cannot look up at the sky and say, "I refue to believe the sky is blue. I believe it is turqoise today." 

A person will believe that Jesus Christ is the Savior based on the facts/data prestented before him or her.  The more facts, the more persuasive.  So why not implement this stragegy in your sharing.  Point people to the fulfilled prophecies.  Show them Scripture. If they do not have ears to hear, it will be obvious.  So what you end up doing is spending your time with people who actually are ready to hear and receive the message.  And you pray for those who are closed while still being available in the event that they have a change of heart.

What are your thoughts?

This material was originally a highlighted topic in "The Basics". Additional topics can be found here.

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