
Friday, January 1, 2010

THE Exegetical Assessment Tool (aka. THE EAT)

Start off the new year with a commitment to be faithful to the study of the Scriptures; namely, to correctly handle it.

PRESS RELEASE: I’d like to share with the world the latest from the men and women of Rushmore Bible Class.

In a nutshell, this Exegetical Assessment Tool (AKA. The EAT) is a diagram that protects one from delving into misuse/abuse of the Scriptures.

Please review this closely when you are fresh and in fellowship with the Lord. We covet your input.

This tool can be used on ANYBODY who uses the Scriptures. For instance, if "Joe Shmoe" knocks on your door and tells you, “You must be baptized in water in order to be saved.” You can take out the E.A.T. SQUARE and ask them graciously and humbly, “Sir, I don't know much about the Scriptures, but can you tell me which square are you in???????”

Give them three tries and then if they stay in the "RED ZONE" tell they may need to hear: “Ohhh you are in the bottom left square with every verse that you shared with me! I don’t think you know what you’re talking about and this is an insult to all people who love the Word. Please go home and do your homework."

Always follow up with a Challenge to them: "Sir, from what I've seen, the Apostle Paul tells the Beleivers at Ephesus that Salvation is "by grace through faith," the CONTEXT of course is one Believer speaking to other Believers. So when we carry that concept over to the 21st Century it still applies because we too are in the 'Church age.' Jesus also told a man named Nicodemus that "For God so loved the World that he gave his one and only Son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but would have everlasting life. And that my friend is (as indicated in the movie "THE SANDLOT" F O R E V ER... FOREVER...F O R E V E R!"

Well, this is the Beta version and I hope to hear from you soon. That chart is missing something, but I can’t put my finger on it.

Enjoy the EAT. And thanks to Sean Dwyer for coming up with the acronym.

Semper Scriptura Primorus


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