
Monday, November 24, 2008

Dr. Zane Hodges - 1932-2008

Our beloved Dr. Zane Hodges went home to be with the Lord today (24 November 2008). He was a pioneer for the Gospel of Grace and a major contribution to FORALLBELIEVERS.org. The following was written by Dr. Bob Wilkin from (faithalone.org):

Zane has been like a father to me. He taught me how to exegete the Scriptures. He taught me so much about ministry and life. I am in shock.

Zane didn’t show up Sunday night at the Lord’s Supper meeting held in his office. Robert Calhoun and Mike Lii went to his apartment and found him. They think he died on Saturday night or Sunday morning. He was 76.

The funeral is set for Tuesday December 2nd at 11AM at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas (1808 W Camp Wisdom Rd, Dallas, TX 75232; phone 214.672.9100), Dr. Tony Evans, Pastor. I’ve already heard from people from as far as California, Oregon, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and Colorado who plan to fly in so that they can be there to honor Zane.

There will be a viewing on Monday night from 7 to 9 PM at Eastgate Funeral Home in Garland TX (1910 Eastgate; phone 972.270.6116).

We have arranged for a block of ten rooms at a highly discounted rate at a very nice hotel in Frisco, Texas. There are still a few rooms left. If you are planning on coming to the funeral and need a hotel, you can email us at faithalone77@yahoo.com. You must do by Friday, however, as these rooms must be held in advance.

Zane was born on June 15th, 1932. He graduated from Wheaton College and then Dallas Theological Seminary. After graduating he was hired to teach Greek at DTS where he taught for 27 years until 1986. Over the last 22 years Zane devoted himself to writing and speaking. He taught for over 45 years at Victor Street Bible Chapel in Dallas. He wrote more than 10 books including The Hungry Inherit, The Gospel Under Siege, Grace in Eclipse, Six Secrets of the Christian Life, Harmony with God, Power to Make War, and stand-alone commentaries on James and 1-3 John. He and Dr. Art Farstad co-edited The Greek New Testament According to the Majority Text.

Zane influenced thousands of pastors and missionaries directly and hundreds of thousands by means of his writings.

Grace Evangelical Society would never have come into existence but for the influence of Zane Hodges on my life. He was on the original GES board and remained on the board for nearly 10 years. The entire 22 years of GES’s existence he has always been there for me and for GES.

Anyone who knew him would say that he was a very godly and gracious man.

Zane never married. His parents, Z.C. and Virginia Hodges, went to be with the Lord in the past decade. His brother David died of a heart attack around 1981.

While we will miss him greatly, we rejoice that he is now with the Lord and with his mom and dad and brother.


Zane, we will not say goodbye, but see you soon. We will keep on studying hard to show ourselves approved unto God, workmen that need not be ashamed and who rightly divide the Word of Truth.

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