
Friday, August 15, 2008

Unbiblical Practices of Todays Church

The Greek word for "Church" is "ekklessia," which by definition refers to a "called-out" group. In its non-technical sense, the Bible refers to Church sometimes as an assembly of people - both believers and non-believers depending on the context. In its technical usage, Church refers to the universal body of believers (aka. the Body of Christ).

Our theology of the Church (ecclesiology), must be based on what the Bible says rather than what deonominatoinal or dogmatic theology teaches, which is often based on texts pulled out of context anyways. That is to say, I find it often that people in general have strong and passionate views about what Church should look like, how she should be conducted and what it takes me have a "successful" Church without having examined the texts itself. Ironically, the majority of the Church cannot Biblically support their practices implemented every week in their local assemblies. It seems as if the Evangelical Church, who is critital of "tradition" is just as guilty of being on auto-pilot mode when it comes to Sunday service. When confronted on the issues, it also seems as if we are more attched to our theology rather than what the Bible teaches on a subject or lack thereof.

This article will not cover the subjects in depth, but will challenge the traditions of the ever-so-critical of tradition modern day Evangelical. Below is a few unbiblical practices of the Church.

Examples of Unbiblical Practices or Ideas in the modern day Church:
  • The notion of a Senior-Pastor
  • Tithing or the passing of a Basket for money
  • Making a distinction between "Worship" and the Sermon
  • Conducting "Alter Calls" or having people walk or raise their hand to receive Christ
Whether our traditions go back hundreds of years is irrelevant.  We ought to ask ourselves, does the Bible support what my/our Church is doing?  There is nothing wrong with re-evaluating ones believes so that he or she can see if their belief lines up with Scripture.

Q: Just ask yourself, how many times does the word "Senior Pastor" occur in scripture?
A: Once.  And it refers to Jesus Christ the "Chief Shepherd" (1 Peter 5:4).

Q: How many times is "Tithing" mentioned in the New Testament?
A: Never.  The last mention is in Malachi, which refers to Israel and not the Church age Believer.  We are under the concept of giving, which is not limited to a 10% tax.  You can give 90% if that is your hearts desire. Amen to that!

Where did our distinction between the "Worship" and the Sermon come into play.  There is no such distinction in Scripture.  In fact, "Worship" is not the singing, but only a part of it.  Worship involves our whole lives and sacrificial living for God (Romans 12).

And altar calls are another practice that isn't seen in Scripture.  Salvation is as close to a person as his or her own soul.  To suggest that one must raise a hand, walk a aisle or go down for an alter call is to suggest that works are required to make salvation complete.  A person can receive eternal life by expressing to God (in his or her own vernacular) that they are trusting in Jesus Christ who gives Eternal Life).  You don't even have to get up out of your seat or raise a hand.  Faith takes place in the soul.

The local Church today needs  to review its practices and not be afraid to give up the things that are not supported by Scripture.  What is more important, mans traditions or what the Word of God says?  I hope the answer is obvious.

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