
Sunday, June 8, 2008

CHECK DISC: Luke 5:12-16

CHECK (yourself - 1 John 1:9)

DISCOVER CONTEXT: Jesus is doing what he said he would do in Chapter 4; namely, heal the sick and release the oppressed. He is the Messiah in the Isaiah passage he read in 4:31 and he is still keeping his power on the down-low because he doesn't want to be bogged down with the business of ministry if it takes away from his teaching and prayer.

IDENTIFY KEY WORDS/Phrases: Jesus often withdrew to lonely places to pray.

SUBJECT: Why did Jesus withdraw from crowds and opportunities of healing people to lonely places for prayer?

COMPLEMENT: Jesus withdrew from crowds and opportunites of healing people to lonely places for prayer because (1) it was not his mission to heal everybody but to teach about the good news of the Kingdom of God and (2) he wanted to renew his intimacy with the Father that he had in the wilderness (4:1-11).

BUMPER STICKER STATEMENT: It's better to be lonely with God than to be with friends who are without God.

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