
Sunday, June 15, 2008

Why Is Doctrine So Important? James 1:21

Today in both Chapel Services we covered James 1:21 and the importance of doctrine for the Believer. I believe that the intake of Bible Doctrine (teaching) is more important than any other discipline. This is purely because doctrine precedes application.

You cannot APPLY what you do not know; you cannot KNOW what you have not learned, and you cannot LEARN what you have not been TAUGHT (inDoctrinated). Thus, doctrine (teaching) the the most imporant discipline for all believers.


Discover the Context: James is speaking to his Brothers (Believers). This passage is FAB (for all believers).

Subject: Why does James tell his Brothers to get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and to humbly accept the Word planted in them.

Complement: ...because the word can SAVE (phase 2) them (from trials, temptations and death in this life).


Prayer: Tanner (6yrs old) is still sick with cancer and is awaiting bone marrow transplant surgery.
Praise: No incidents during our 4 day stay in Thailand.
Praise: Surgery of Oscar was successful.

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