
Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas is all about Gifts

There are a lot of theories out there about "Christmas" and its true meaning. Some say it's about Santa and his reindeer - other's say it was when Christ was born. A lot of people just see it as a break from the monotany of school and/or work. And then there are the theories that Christmas is "turning pagan" with it's shift to "X-mas" and "Happy Holidays." Whether or not Christ was born on 25 December (highly doubtful), or if Santa Claus can really fit down a chimney without getting burned is something we'll never be able to figure out. And those of us who think X-Mas is an attempt to take Christ out of Christmas need to know that "X" stands for "Xristos," which in english is Christ (messiah/anointed one). Christians need not get caught up in the ruckus of Chrismas debates and take advantage of the season. It is a time where most are excitied to see their families for some fun, food and fellowship. Others see it as a depressing time where they are all alone and cold. We need to share the real meaning of Christmas according to the Bible. Christmas is all about gifts. Here is just 103 gifts for all who believe in Jesus.

100+ “Christmas” Gift’s For All Believers
*Compiled by students at Hope Bible Institute

1. The Gift of Jesus Christ, God’s only begotten Son - John 3:16
2. The Gift of Regeneration by the Holy Spirit - John 3:16
3. The Gift of permanent Indwelling of the Holy Spirit - John 3:16; I Cor 6:19; Gal. 4:6
4. The Gift of Baptism (identification) by the Holy Spirit - Acts 1:5
5. The Gift of being Sealed with the Holy Spirit “until the day of redemption” - Eph 4:30
6. The Gift of unlimited rebound (confession of sin) - 1 John 1:9
7. The Gift of Justification (being declared righteous) - Rom. 3:20
8. The Gift of being a new Creation in Christ where all the old have passed away for good - II Cor. 5:17
9. The Gift of the Filling (influence) of the Holy Spirit - Eph 5:18
10. The Gift of eternal union with Christ - Eph. 1:1-3
11. The Gift of Christ’s election - I Pet. 1:2
12. The Gift of permanent membership (baptism) in the Body of Christ - I Cor. 12:13
13. The Gift of God’s unconditional faithfulness (even when we are unfaithful) - II Tim. 2:12-13
14. The Gift of a pass from death unto eternal life - John 10:28
15. The Gift of no longer being under condemnation - Rom. 8:1
16. The Gift of the FAB (believers) life - Col 3:4
17. The Gift of acceptance in the beloved - Eph 1:6
18. The Gift of Christ’s advocacy - I John 2:1-2
19. The Gift of being chosen of God - Matt. 22:14
20. The Gift of Christ as the foundation of the Believer - I Cor. 3:11
21. The Gift of circumcision in Christ - Col. 2:10
22. The Gift of Christ’s intercession - Heb. 7:25 & Rom. 8:34
23. The Gift of eternal inheritance reserved for us - I Pet. 1:4-
24. The Gift of perfection in Christ - Heb. 10:14
25. The Gift of confirmation unto the end - I Cor. 1:8-9
26. The Gift of appearing with Christ in glory - Rom. 8:30
27. The Gift of death to the law - Rom. 7:4
28. The Gift of Christ bearing our Sins - Isa 53:6
29. The Gift of Salvation by Grace - Eph. 2:8-9
30. The Gift of Christ plus all things - Rom. 8:32
31. The Gift of Christ’s blood - Rom. 5:8-9
32. The Gift of being purchased and belonging to God - Heb. 9:12
33. The Gift of the new birth that is everlasting - I John 3:9
34. The Gift of resurrection - I Cor. 15:51
35. The Gift of protection - Tit. 2:14
36. The Gift of being a vessel of mercy - Rom. 9:23-24
37. The Gift of protection against separation from the love God - Rom 8
38. The Gift of the Comforting Holy Spirit - John 14:16-17
39. The Gift of not being the object of God’s wrath - I Thess 5:9
40. The Gift of sin no longer having dominion over us - Rom. 6:14
41. The Gift of our new and permanent position in the light - I Thess. 5:4-5
42. The Gift of being holy stones in God’s building - Eph. 2:19-22
43. The Gift of being in Him and He in us - John 14:20
44. The Gift of God’s assurance - Heb. 10:22
45. The Gift of Christ’s prayer, which must be answered - John 17:15
46. The Gift of God’s promise to finish the work He began - Phil. 1:6
47. The Gift of being God’s elect - Rom. 8
48. The Gift of being in Christ’s grip - John 10:28-29
49. The Gift of being joint heirs with Christ - Rom. 8:17
50. The Gift of reconciliation by and to God - Eph. 2:14-17
51. The Gift of crucifixion with Christ - retroactive positional truth - Rom 6:6-8
52. The Gift of Scripture, the Word of Truth - II Tim. 3:16
53. The Gift of the gospel of grace - Tit. 2:11
54. The Gift of the “sin unto death” – the length God will go to save us - I John 5:16
55. The Gift of God’s love, which endures forever - Ps. 136:1-26
56. The Gift of Christ’s expiation (God accepts) - Col. 2:14
57. The Gift of God’s incorruptible seed - I Pet. 1:23
58. The Gift of permanent citizenship in heaven Phil. 3:20
59. The Gift of the unconditional covenant of grace through faith - Tit. 1:1-2
60. The Gift of sharing in Christ’s eternal destiny Eph. 1:5, 11
61. The Gift of birth into the family of God - Eph. 2:19
62. The Gift of a new eternal nature - II Cor. 5:17
63. The Gift of no long being in Adam - John 14:20
64. The Gift of being Christ’s sheep - John 10:28-29
65. The Gift of Christ paying for our sins - John 1:29
66. The Gift of positional Sanctification even for the worst of us - 1 Cor 6:11
67. The Gift of being rescued from the dominion of darkness - Col. 1:13
68. The Gift of God’s foreknowledge - Rom. 8:29
69. The Gift of being a gift to Christ from God - John 17:6, 11-12
70. The Gift of being the objects of His consolation - II Thess. 2:16
71. The Gift of an eternal mansion prepared for us - John 14:1-3
72. The Gift of a glorified body (like that of Christ) - Rom. 8:29
73. The Gift of eternal redemption - Heb. 9:12
74. The Gift of possessing Christ’s image - I Cor. 15:49
75. The Gift of preservation - II Tim. 4:18
76. The Gift of peace with God - Col. 1:20
77. The Gift of Christ as the Captain of our salvation - Heb. 2:9
78. The Gift of God’s exceeding riches of grace - Eph. 1:6
79. The Gift of God’s unchanging mind - Rom. 11:29
80. The Gift of remaining under grace - Rom. 6:14
81. The Gift of being born of the Spirit - John 3:6 & John 1:13
82. The Gift of Christ’s promises to never leave us or forsake us - Heb 13:5
83. The Gift of Christ as our federal head (the head and its members can’t be lost) - Rom. 5:19
84. The Gift of God’s effectual call - Rom. 11:29 & II Tim. 1:9
85. The Gift of divine discipline (He does not allow us to continue in sin) - I Cor. 11:31-32
86. The Gift of the Holy Spirit as a deposit guaranteeing our Salvation - Eph. 1:14
87. The Gift of freedom from the flesh - Rom 8:9
88. The Gift of the Holy Spirit’s intercession - Rom. 8:26
89. The Gift of blessings with every spiritual blessing - Eph. 1:3
90. The Gift of God’s testimony - I John 5:9-13
91. The Gift of God’s unconditional impersonal love while we were still sinners - Rom 5:8-10
92. The Gift of a never perishing life - John 10:28-29
93. The Gift of deliverance - II Tim. 4:18
94. The Gift of the glory that will be revealed in all believers - Rom 8:18
95. The Gift of God’s veracity - Tit. 1:2
96. The Gift of partnership with Christ in service - I Cor. 1:9
97. The Gift of access to God - Tit. 2:14
98. The Gift of being heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ - Rom 8:17
99. The Gift of God being able to do what He promised - Eph. 1:19-23
100. The Gift of God’s sovereignty - Rom. 9:15-23
101. The Gift of God’s goodness - I John 4:8
102. The Gift of Christ’s propitiation of God - Rom. 3:25
103. The Gift of the Greek aorist tense of “saved,” which means once and for all - Acts 16:31

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